Data Center

The Dedicated Hosting service provides you with a dedicated physical server or server platform

Service description:

The Dedicated Hosting service provides you with a dedicated physical server or server platform which can be expanded at the design stage to include such additional devices as disc arrays and load balancers.

The service gives you the ability to launch websites and business applications in the secure physical and IT environment offered by our Data Centre. You also receive complete maintenance support including OS installation services, as well as gaining access to our knowledge, competences and experience to help you run your business more effectively.

How it works:

The standard version of our Dedicated Hosting service provides you with access to dedicated servers located in the NASK Data Centre. The service can also be expanded to include the delivery and installation of a particular operating system. This means that a server with that operating system is made available to you, along with being granted full administrator permissions. We use DELL servers featuring a standard configuration, which can be adapted to meet your particular needs and requirements.


  • no need to purchase dedicated server and ICT infrastructure components
  • no need to spend funds on organising and maintaining a data centre environment (power supply, AC, physical and fire protection etc.)
  • lower Internet access costs without having
  • to purchase expensive active devices (servers, telecommunications devices)
  • lower IT personnel training and maintenance costs
  • no need to hire technical staff for 24-7-365 hardware supervision
  • lower hardware servicing costs
  • service availability as specified in an SLA: 99.5%