Data Center

Our colocation service comprises the leasing of rack space and the necessary ICT infrastructure located in our server room

Service description:

Colocation is a service which involves handing over servers or other ICT devices to
a specialised company for installation in a dedicated data centre.

Our colocation service comprises the leasing of rack space and the necessary ICT infrastructure located in our server room, which guarantees that your devices have the right environment to operate in. Transmission services are also an indispensable element of colocation.

How it works:

Colocation is a comprehensive service which includes:

  • an option to place a single server (1U) or lease both entire rack cabinets (42U) and separate ½ and ¼ rack modules
  • space for your own rack cabinet and free-standing servers
  • the highest physical and environmental security standards
  • system redundancy (transmission, power, AC)
  • high-end transmission devices for uninterrupted connectivity
  • 24/7 supervision by the NASK Network Management Centre
  • client device monitoring system with automated email, SMS and fax alerts
  • 24-7-365 access to the data centre
  • a wide range of additional services available as part of the basic subscription
  • various data transfer settlement options (based on guaranteed bandwidth or the amount of data transferred)
  • option to settle power consumption payments based on actual energy consumption (meters)
  • competitive pricing
  • option to locate your server infrastructure in our backup centre
  • Subscriber device operation:

- monitoring – www, ftp, pop3, smtp (email), snmp (management, password required), icmp (ping)

- ‘Helping hand’

- device restart

- activating/deactivating devices

- connecting and disconnecting device cables

- changing CDs

- informing about malfunctions (email and SMS or email and fax)


  • optimal environmental conditions for ICT devices
  • physical and IT security for your hardware
  • data transfer bandwidth adapted to your needs
  • lower Internet access costs without having to purchase expensive active devices (servers, telecommunications devices)
  • no need to purchase devices ensuring uninterrupted power supply and cooling of IT hardware
  • no need to purchase service management software
  • lower IT personnel training and maintenance costs
  • no need to hire technical staff for 24-7-365 hardware supervision
  • lower hardware servicing costs
  • service availability as specified in an SLA: 99.5%