Computing spectral properties of infinite-dimensional operators | online seminar with Andrew Horning from MIT

Join our online Do (N)ASK seminar on computing spectral properties of infinite-dimensional operators. On June 28, Wednesday at 15:30 CEST, Andrew J. Horning, Ph.D., of MIT's Department of Mathematics will present the key computational challenges of spectral analysis in infinite-dimensional spaces and talk about how we can deal with the computational challenges of spectral analysis with examples including quantum physics issues of processors and semiconductors.

Dr Andrew Horning is a researcher based in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. His main research areas are: Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Large-Scale And Infinite-Dimensional Spectral Problems. Horning's presentation will take the form of a hands-on tutorial, during which he will illustrate each idea using SpecSolve (Matlab) software, which he co-authored.


Ever since Joseph Fourier used sines and cosines to diagonalize the Laplacian and solve the heat equation in 1822, spectral decompositions of linear operators have empowered scientists to disentangle complex physical phenomena. For example, eigenvalues and eigenvectors play a key role in analyzing the performance of microelectromechanical (MEM) resonators, the allowed energy states of quantum devices, and the controllability of certain dynamical systems. In many applications, the linear operator is a differential or integral operator that acts on an infinite-dimensional space of functions. In this talk, we outline the key computational challenges posed by infinite-dimensional spectral problems and present a rigorous framework based on the resolvent operator to tackle them. We proceed in a tutorial style and illustrate each idea and algorithm with an example from the public software repository SpecSolve in Matlab.

What: seminar Do (N)ASK: Computing spectral properties of infinite-dimensional operators

Where: online, Microsoft Teams

When: 28th, Wednesday, 15:30-17:00 CEST

Language of the meeting: English

Format: presentation and disussion


More information:,

The NASK SCIENCE series of meetings is a new educational initiative of the Institute, which aims to share interesting knowledge openly with a wider audience. The guests of the meetings will be experts from Poland and abroad with rich scientific portfolios and inspiring research results and a readiness to critically evaluate and discuss them. Events are held in Polish or English, as lectures or Do (N)ASK seminars.