







Standardisation and Certification Centre of NASK-PIB which operates within the NASK-PIB structure, acts as an accredited Certification Body. The Center certifies products, processes and services in the field of IT security (cybersecurity), as well as caries out the assessment and certification of competences.

The management system in the product certification process complies with the requirements of the standard for product certification bodies, i.e. PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065, the certification of IT products itself is carried out for compliamnce with PN-EN ISO/IEC 15408(1-3), i.e. Common Criteria 3.1 rev. 5 basing on the IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme (PC1). Certification may cover IT products, IT systems, including cryptographic modules, or the so-called Protection Profiles, i.e. security specifications for a specific type of product.

Manufacturers interested in having their products certified, within the scope of the Common Criteria standard, are asked to contact us.