Two Methods of Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in TCP/IP Networks with QoS Differentiation

Jaskóła, P; Malinowski, K

  • Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computers and Telecommunication Systems – SPECTS’04, San Jose;
  • Tom: -;
  • Strony: 373-378;
  • 2004;

The paper investigates the problem of Quality of Service differentiation, and an optimal and near-optimal bandwidth allocation in an autonomous subsystem of the TCP/IP network. It defines a control structure making use of existing standard networking technologies. Then a centralized controller - so called Bandwidth Broker is introduced, which allows for fine-tuning of the network parameters under dynamic load conditions.Two algorithms for the Bandwidth Broker are proposed, one gives exact optimal solution of the bandwidth allocation problem, the second is a heuristic, yet its performance appears to be more than satisfactory.

Keywords: price method, traffic engineering, QoS routing, bandwidth broker​