About NASK

NASK is a National Research Institute under the supervision of the Ministry of Digital Affairs.


Cybersecurity and user protection – our key activities involve ensuring security online. Responding to network security violations occurring in Poland and coordinating corrective actions is the responsibility of the Centre for Cybersecurity, which also comprises the CERT Poland team (www.cert.pl). The Act on the national cybersecurity system lists us as a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), which coordinates responses to incidents reported by key service operators, digital service providers and local authorities. All users can report incidents to the NASK CSIRT, and we also provide analytical and R&D services as part of the Polish cybersecurity system.

Research and innovation – we carry out research and development projects focused on increasing the efficiency, reliability and security of information and telecommunication networks and other complex network systems. What makes us stand out from strictly commercial businesses is our approach to developing solutions for the current and future needs of our clients. Commercial challenges are taken on from the perspective of science, and its tools, which are often broader and more abstract, whereby enabling us to achieve results which are not only satisfying, but also innovative. Our research is primarily centred around cybersecurity, which we define as detecting, warning against and responding to incidents, acquiring, analysing, processing and transferring data, as well as comprising complex network systems, including IoT systems and ad hoc mobile networks. An important part of our research is focused on the applications of biometric identity verification methods in increasing service security. As a telecommunication service provider, we offer innovative ICT solutions for the financial, business, administration and research sectors. We also operate the .pl domain website name registry (www.dns.pl).



Warsaw University forms a team for coordinating university computer networks (full name: Warsaw University Research and Academic Computer Network Coordination Team)



NASK is tasked with managing website names for the .pl domain.



NASK is no longer part of Warsaw University and begins operating as an independent R&D centre. The main purpose of NASK is to provide access to the Internet for research institutions and universities, conduct research on new connection technology applications and network security, as well as engaging in international partnerships.



The first Polish CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) is established as part of NASK in partnership with the international cybersecurity analyst community.



NASK implements an electronic system of website name reservation and registration for the .pl domain.



NASK becomes a partner of the Polish Centre for the Safer Internet Programme. The programme was launched by the European Union to educate children and young people about the dangers posed by the Internet, and to promote safe and positive applications of new technologies. In the same year, a contact point is established for responding to illegal and harmful online content, currently operating under the name Dyżurnet.pl.



NASK becomes a National Research Institute.

The Nationwide Education Network (OSE) project commences, its purpose being to ensure that all schools in Poland have free, fast and safe Internet access. NASK becomes the operator of the OSE network.



The Institute of Mathematical Machines becomes part of NASK.

The Act on the national cybersecurity system appoints NASK as one of three nation-wide CSIRTs.